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王云  潘竟虎 《生态学报》2019,39(10):3455-3467
干旱区内陆河流域的生态环境极为脆弱,生态系统的微小变化也可能给流域生态安全带来巨大影响。甘州区位于干旱内陆河流域,生态问题突出,重视生态系统自身安全、构建合理的生态安全格局是保障该地区生态安全的有效措施。通过当量因子法估算2000、2005、2010年甘州区生态系统服务的静态价值,在充分考虑各项生态系统服务功能变化率及空间集聚程度对功能发挥影响的基础上,采用生态系统服务优先指数和空间丰富度指数,对甘州区2010年生态系统服务静态价值的估算结果进行动态重构。利用重构后的生态系统服务价值构建了甘州区3种不同安全水平情景下的生态安全格局。结果表明:1)甘州区生态系统服务价值总量逐步上升,各项服务多年变化率差异不大。2)重构后生态系统服务价值量为1438.21—390993元/hm~2,大部分地区为中低值。3)低、中、高安全水平生态安全格局中,生态源地面积分别为155.75 km~2,191.25 km~2和224.5 km~2。基于生态系统服务价值构建的生态安全格局是立足于生态系统服务现状提出的规划策略,可为区域生态保护规划和生态文明建设提供重要依据。  相似文献   
本研究将2009年1月和2010年1月小兴安岭大沾河湿地自然保护区二可河林场内驼鹿冬季食性作为原始数据,分别以对应分析(CA)、去趋势分析(DCA),并将数据以样本为单位进行标准化后,再进行去趋势分析(DCA_std)3种排序方法,对驼鹿冬季取食模式进行了研究,后通过普鲁克分析,比较了不同排序方法对大型有蹄类取食模式研究的效果。结果表明,3种排序法的1轴和2轴均能涵盖绝大多数信息量,CA涵盖79.27%,DCA涵盖66.65%,DCA_std涵盖68.22%;3种方法均能够在1轴上区分针叶树和落叶乔木类食物,在2轴上,3种方法主要能够达到针叶树种与除落叶乔木外的其他植物类别的区分。虽三者均能够展现有蹄类取食模式,但在图形可视化后,仅DCA_std无明显的弓形效应。普鲁克分析结果表明,DCA_std样本位移平方和与CA和DCA均有很大差异,即将数据先进行标准化再进行DCA分析能够有效去除弓形效应。因此,在由多度组成的食性数据在进行标准DCA分析前,应对数据进行前期处理会得到更好的效果。同时,以样本为单位的标准化将使排序分析结果生态学意义更明确。  相似文献   
黔西北地区不同演替阶段植物群落结构与物种多样性特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何斌  李青  刘勇 《广西植物》2019,39(8):1029-1038
该文采用"空间代替时间"的方法,研究了贵州省威宁县喀斯特地区植被演替过程中的群落结构、物种组成、生活型谱和物种多样性的变化规律。结果表明:(1)该调查共记录到种子植物174种,隶属于52科117属,物种分布较多的有菊科、蔷薇科、禾本科、杜鹃花科、小檗科、唇形科、蓼科。(2)随着植被的正向演替,物种丰富度逐渐增加,群落结构趋于复杂,高位芽植物所占比例逐渐增大。(3)随着植被的恢复,群落层次分化逐渐明显,大径级植株所占比例呈现增加趋势。(4)随着植被的恢复,群落各层次的ShannonWiener多样性指数(H)、Simpson多样性指数(DS)、均匀度指数(J)和Margalef丰富度指数(DM)逐渐增加;不同演替阶段植物群落之间的Srensen相似系数呈现先上升后下降的趋势,Cody指数则表现为逐渐增加的趋势。黔西北地区不同演替阶段植物群落结构和物种多样性不同,建群种和关键种发生了明显变化,不同演替阶段植物群落结构和物种多样性的研究对喀斯特地区植被演替规律的认识和生态恢复具有重要意义。  相似文献   
本研究评估了西藏唐古拉山以北地区(唐北地区)湖泊动态并预测了湖泊空间格局变化.使用面向对象分类和光谱角向量变化检测方法生成了2000-2015年西藏唐北地区每5年一期的生态系统分布数据.以此为基础,分析了湖泊与其他生态系统之间的转换和空间格局特征,评估了湖泊空间格局的动态及其与相关自然地理因素的关系.通过增强回归树识别了不同因素对湖泊动态的贡献,使用GEOMOD模型预测了湖泊到2030年的空间变化.结果表明:唐北地区在2000-2015年间湖泊增加了14.2%,是唐北地区生态系统变化的主要形式之一.区域内15个面积大于10 km2的湖泊有10个增加,另有5个减少,且缩减量较低.通过空间格局分析发现,唐北地区湖泊斑块表现为面积和数量同时增加,大斑块面积比重略有上升.扩张幅度高的湖泊多分布于海拔高、坡度大、温度低、降水少、距离冰川近的区域.位于现有湖泊周边、温度低、降水少、坡度小的区域转变为湖泊的几率较高.根据过去15年的趋势,到2030年,唐北地区湖泊将继续增加119 km2,主要变化形式从大湖扩张转变为小型水面扩张.  相似文献   
木麻黄海防林种子雨的时空动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解木麻黄(Casuarina equisetifolia)种子雨的时空间分布格局和萌发性能对其天然更新的影响,对海口木麻黄海防林种子雨的时空分布特征和种子雨的萌发动态进行了研究。结果表明,木麻黄种子落雨时间始于7月中旬,结束于次年4月中旬,持续长达9个月,期间种子雨年际平均密度为1 764.63 grain m~(-2)a~(-1);种子雨高峰期在12月上中旬,落种量占总散落量的43.38%;种子雨呈聚集分布,且种子雨密度与附近球果数量呈极显著正相关;种子雨萌发率较低,仅为11.31%,但由于种子雨密度较大,可萌发的种子雨密度仍然较大,为199.58grainm~(-2)a~(-1)。因此,种子数量和质量均不是制约木麻黄天然更新困难的主要障碍因子,但聚集分布特征使木麻黄种子在林内扩散能力十分有限。  相似文献   
董雪蕊  张红  张明罡 《生物多样性》2019,27(12):1269-780
黄土高原地区植被类型多样, 森林、草原和荒漠在此交汇并逐渐过渡。由于水热条件限制和人类活动加剧, 该地区生态环境脆弱, 生物多样性保护面临的形势日益严峻, 因此获取该区域物种多样性的空间分布格局并阐明其影响因素成为该地区生物多样性保护的首要任务。本研究首先结合标本采集记录与环境因子, 利用物种分布模型获取了293种木本植物的潜在分布区, 分析了物种丰富度和物种加权特有性的空间格局。其次, 引入系统发育信息, 分析系统发育多样性和系统发育特有性的空间格局, 并进一步利用环境因子对上述格局分别进行解释。最后, 对黄土高原地区的特有中心性质和显著性进行分析。结果表明, 生物多样性热点地区均出现在黄土高原南部水热条件较好的地区, 即秦岭和中条山一带。本区域的生物多样性空间格局由年平均降水量和最冷月最低温主导, 符合植物区系交汇带的特点。特有中心集中在南部地区和青海省, 由南向北分别是古特有中心和混合特有中心, 不存在单独的新特有中心。黄土高原地区木本植物起源较为古老, 生物多样性格局的形成以来源于热带或亚热带的物种扩散为主, 物种的分化不占主导地位。上述结果表明了将植物的进化历史纳入生物多样性保护的重要性。  相似文献   
动物活动节律和时间生态位分化是动物行为在时间维度的分布, 是对时间资源利用的重要体现。动物活动节律受到环境因素和种间作用的影响, 因此, 了解动物活动节律以及时间生态位有助于揭示群落中同域分布物种时间资源利用的差异及共存机制。近10多年来, 红外相机技术在国内外野生动物监测研究中得到广泛应用, 积累了大量有时间记录的动物行为数据, 极大地促进了动物活动节律和时间生态位分化的深入研究。本文对动物活动节律研究以及应用红外相机数据研究动物活动节律的方法进行梳理, 采用核密度估计方法, 利用广东车八岭国家级自然保护区的红外相机监测数据, 分析了鸡形目鸟类的活动节律, 以阐述单物种和多物种的活动节律以及种间作用对动物日活动节律的影响。研究结果表明车八岭保护区白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)、白眉山鹧鸪(Arborophila gingica)和灰胸竹鸡(Bambusicola thoracica)等3个鸡形目物种之间存在不同程度的竞争, 物种间的日活动节律呈现中等程度的重叠。最后, 针对动物活动节律分析方法应用的建议及影响因素进行讨论, 希望为国内动物活动节律研究提供参考。  相似文献   
This study analyzed the environmental impacts of packaging‐derived changes in food production and consumer behavior to assist packaging designers in making environmentally conscious decisions. Packaging can be functionalized to prevent food loss and waste (FLW), for example, extending the expiration date and apportioning the package size, but it can generate additional environmental impacts from changes in food and packaging production. Previous studies assessed additional impacts from packaging production; however, the effects of packaging functionalization are yet to be connected with food production and consumer behavior. To examine the effect of functionalization on these aspects, we analyzed packaging‐derived changes in food production for milk and cabbage products. The case study compared products with functionalized packaging that permits a longer expiration date or a smaller portion size to their base‐case products. Our results showed that the packaging‐derived changes increased the global warming potential (GWP) of food production more than other processes did. Thus, changes in food production weakened the effectiveness of the packaging functionalization to decrease the GWP. Moreover, the analysis of consumer behavior scenarios showed that consumers’ perception of the expiration date decisively influences the effectiveness of packaging functionalization. When consumers discarded food after the expiration date, provided they consumed in small quantities, the packaging functionalization reduced FLW. From the scenario analysis, we identified appropriate combinations of packaging functionalization and consumer behaviors to effectively decrease total GWP. With our expanded analysis, packaging designers can understand the effectiveness of their decisions on the product life cycle in reducing FLW and environmental impacts.  相似文献   
Quercus wutaishansea populations on the Loess Plateau are currently becoming more dominant in natural secondary forests, whereas Pinus tabulaeformis is declining. In the present paper, the diameter class (instead of age) was used to classify the different growth stages as juvenile, subadult, or adult, and the univariate function g(r) was used to analyze the dynamic changes in spatial patterns and interspecific associations in three 1‐ha tree permanent plots on the Loess Plateau, NW China. Our results suggested that the niche breadth changed with the development stage. The diameter distribution curve was consistent with the inverted “J” type, indicating that natural regeneration was common in all three plots. There was a close relationship between the spatial pattern and scale, which showed significant aggregation at small distances, and became more random as distance increased, but in the Pinus + Quercus mixed forests, the whole species were aggregated at distances up to 50 m. The degree of spatial clumping decreased from juvenile to subadult and from subadult to adult. The spatial pattern also differed at different growth stages, likely due to strong intraspecific competition. Associations among different growth stages were positively correlated at small scales. Our study is important to the understanding of the development of the Q. wutaishansea forests; thus, the spatial dynamic change features should be received greater attention when planning forest management and developing restoration strategies on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   
Although elevational patterns of species richness have been well documented, how the drivers of richness gradients vary across ecological guilds has rarely been reported. Here, we examined the effects of spatial factors (area and mid‐domain effect; MDE) and environmental factors, including metrics of climate, productivity, and plant species richness on the richness of breeding birds across different ecological guilds defined by diet and foraging strategy. We surveyed 12 elevation bands at intervals of 300 m between 1,800 and 5,400 m a.s.l using line‐transect methods throughout the wet season in the central Himalaya, China. Multiple regression models and hierarchical partitioning were used to assess the relative importance of spatial and environmental factors on overall bird richness and guild richness (i.e., the richness of species within each guild). Our results showed that richness for all birds and most guilds displayed hump‐shaped elevational trends, which peaked at an elevation of 3,300–3,600 m, although richness of ground‐feeding birds peaked at a higher elevation band (4,200–4,500 m). The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)—an index of primary productivity—and habitat heterogeneity were important factors in explaining overall bird richness as well as that of insectivores and omnivores, with geometric constraints (i.e., the MDE) of secondary importance. Granivore richness was not related to primary production but rather to open habitats (granivores were negatively influenced by habitat heterogeneity), where seeds might be abundant. Our findings provide direct evidence that the richness–environment relationship is often guild‐specific. Taken together, our study highlights the importance of considering how the effects of environmental and spatial factors on patterns of species richness may differ across ecological guilds, potentially leading to a deeper understanding of elevational diversity gradients and their implications for biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   
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